16 Quit Smoking Tips

We understand that quitting smoking is one of the biggest challenges you’ll face. These tips will help keep you motivated. Even more, they give you ways to change your behavior so that you can stop smoking for good.

Quit Tip 1: Make a date to quit.

Choose a date to quit smoking and stick with it. It’s a great way to mentally prepare to stop smoking. Some find it easier to quit smoking on vacation. Ideally you want to pick a day when you are not stressed out. But don’t wait too long! Pick a day within the next week or two. Waiting too long can lessen your resolve to quit.

Quit Tip 2: Put it in writing.

Make a list of the reasons you want to stop smoking and put it somewhere you’ll see it. This record can help you through the tough times when your resolve weakens.

You want to pick strong personal reasons to quit. Some examples include:

  • To feel healthier
  • To lower your chances of getting lung cancer, heart disease and other cancers
  • To protect your friends and family from secondhand smoke and effects of smoking
  • To improve your fertility and chances to have a healthy pregnancy and baby
  • To look and feel younger
  • To save money

Put your reason up somewhere you will always see it. On your fridge at home, where you work, in your wallet, and in your phone so that you can help motivate yourself to quit.

To help you find your reason quitting, learn more about the benefits of quitting smoking.

Quit Tip 3: Quit with a friend.

A US study in 2008 found that smokers whose friends quit were 36% more likely to stop themselves, while smokers whose colleagues quit were 34% less likely to smoke too1.

If you want to succeed in your mission to give up cigarettes for good, grab a friend who also wants to quit. That way, you can keep each other motivated and you’ll know you’re not in it alone. Learn more about quitting with friends here.

Quit Tip 4: Use the money you save on cigarettes to treat yourself.

Remember, the average smoker spends around $20 a day on cigarettes, which is a whopping $600 a month.

Make sure you actually see the money you save. Set up a special account or just start a ‘quitting jar’, to store the saved cash. Then for the fun part - deciding how to spend it. Calculate just how much you’ll save with this helpful tool.

Quit Tip 5: Surround yourself with support.

People understand that quitting is a real challenge and requires a lot willpower, so surround yourself with their positive words of encouragement.

Discover how to set up a support network or how to ask for help from family and friends with your quit smoking plan.

Quit Tip 6: Identify what makes you crave a cigarette.

Strengthen your willpower by limiting or skipping triggers you commonly associated with smoking.

Here some common triggers2:

  • Smoking tools. Throw away cigarettes, lighters and ashtrays.
  • Drinking alcohol, coffee, or tea. Try drinking less when you first quit.
  • Places that smoking is allowed. Change your routine and go to places where smoking is not allowed.
  • Being tired. Get rest and eat healthy to avoid tiredness.

Quit Tip 7: Keep busy to resist the urge to smoke.

Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, resist it by keeping busy. Make a list of five-minute strategies of things to do when a craving hits, like going for a walk, calling a friend, or drinking a glass of water. Many people use nicotine to relax, combat this urge by finding new ways to relax. Listen to music, get a massage, or pick up a hobby.

Quit Tip 8: Work out the stress.

Physical activity is a great way of dealing with the stress of quitting and cigarette cravings. Walk, run, swim, or take up a new activity. Your lung capacity improves by as much as 10%, nine months after you quit. You’ll be able to do more.

Quit Tip 9: Eat well.

Cigarette cravings can be confused with hunger pangs. Keep fruit, vegetables, and other healthy foods handy for these moments.

Quit Tip 10: Try Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).

NICORETTE® offers a range of NRT products which can help tackle cigarette cravings and nicotine withdrawal symptoms throughout your quit journey. By using NICORETTE®, you double your chances of quitting successfully versus willpower alone.

Quit Tip 11: Don't fall at the first hurdle.

Psychologists have found that people persist in solving problems for longer when they’re told the problems are hard. Giving up smoking may be one of the most difficult things you’ll ever do. However, your persistence will help you succeed, even if you occasionally relapse. It’s never too late to quit, get advice about quitting if you’ve quit before here.

Quit Tip 12: Rely on expert help.

Elite athletes have coaches and successful people have mentors. It simply makes sense to use the help that you have available to give up smoking. Get in touch with Smokers' Helpline at 1-877-513-5333 for free, confidential, one-to-one support from a quit coach.

Quit Tip 13: Reward yourself.

Treat yourself at each milestone of your goals. Make the rewards meaningful, like buying something you’ve had your eye on.

Quit Tip 14: Focus on the positives.

Think of all the positives of living smoke-free, such as being healthier overall and having more energy, better skin, whiter teeth, and a better sense of taste and smell. The less you think about smoking the easier it will be to stay smoke free.

Quit Tip 15: Find new ways to relax.

Help keep your mind off smoking by finding new ways to relax, such as deep breathing, light exercise, or reading.

Quit Tip 16: Plan an ‘anniversary’ party.

Quitting smoking is no easy task – but if you give it your all and stay motivated, you’ll get there. If that’s not an excuse for a party, then we don’t know what is.

Why not promise your family and friends a celebration for your one-year anniversary as a non-smoker? It’ll be yet another positive target and reason to stay motivated, as well as a great way to share your achievement with your loved ones.


  1. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMsa0706154
  2. https://smokefree.gov/quit-smoking/getting-started/steps-to-manage-quit-day